Sunday, October 30, 2011

Energy Un - Efficiency!

Majority of households in the USA are not so good when it comes to energy efficiency. This means that consumers are not only losing precious energy, but also money. And the people who want to contribute have no idea where to begin!
According to MXenergy (one of the largest gas and electricity retailers in the USA), energy auditing is the key. By "auditing", we mean an overall assessment and analysis of the entire household. This would help people identify the key areas their house is lagging in, and would also help in providing consultancy and methods for rectification of the same. Although this analysis is costly, it will certainly be a money - saver in the long run. Furthermore, the subsidies provided by the government for maintaining a green household will cover the price. These rebates and concessions can fund further improvements as well.
Another part of this drive could be the use of smart meters - electricity meters that give the house owner a daily (or even hourly) analysis of the energy consumed. This can certainly be beneficial in the long run, as electricity consumption can be modified after observing its patterns. 

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